45 Ft Power Catamaran - 산후안 보트 전세

이 요트에 대해

Enjoy a Fun Aquatic Adventure on our 45-foot Power Catamaran. exclusively for you and your family on a private boat! Take your family out on a private boat excursion for a fun-filled aquatic adventure. Explore some of the most beautiful locations in the Caribbean and enjoy snorkeling, swimming, and beachcombing in Puerto Rico's crystal-clear waters.

- A family-friendly private boat trip.
- Lunch buffet in the style of a deli, with beverages included.
- Suitable for all ages (For the destination of Icacos Island).

여행 세부 정보

Hello and welcome to Puerto Rico.

Join us on a memorable trip that includes everything and the crew's 5-star service, we are glad to carry you to the nicest beaches in Puerto Rico so you may take in the abundance of life and vibrancy of our aquatic life.

Ensure to bring the following items:

- A valid photo ID.

- A credit card is used to make the remaining payment on your reservation.

- Towels, sunscreen (spray makes the boat deck slick), Over a swimsuit, wearing light clothes.

- A seasickness cure should be used, if necessary, at least an hour before departure with meals.

  • thumb 원하는 보트를 선택하세요
  • thumb 간단한 예약 요청 양식을 작성하세요
  • thumb 몇 시간 이내에 확인하겠습니다.
  • thumb 전세 시 보증금 및 잔금 지불

우리는 다음과 같은 여행을 제공합니다

  • 6 Hours Private Trip - Destination: Icacos
    $2933 USD

    Check-in time: 8:45 AM
    Departure: 9:30 AM
    Arrival: 3:30 PM

    Included: Buffet Lunch, Rum Bar, and Equipment.

    Buffet Lunch: Fresh fruit platter, fresh bread (pan de agua), cold cuts, sliced cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, gourmet pasta salad, chicken salad, coleslaw, bean salad, and snacks.
    Rum Bar: White rum (Don Q), Medalla beer, piña colada, juices, sodas, and water.
    Equipment: Snorkeling equipment (Mask & Snorkel), swimming fins, and floating belts
    **Price includes 11.5% tax, 10% gratuity, and $3.00 (DNR) Department of Natural Resources fee!

    Excluded: Each extra passenger will be charged $160 USD per person + Taxes; the default pricing includes 15 passengers.

    추가적인 승객: 160 USD
  • 6 Hours Private Trip - Destination: Culebra
    $3600 USD

    Check-in time: 8:45 AM
    Departure: 9:30 AM
    Arrival: 3:30 PM

    Included: Buffet Lunch, Rum Bar, and Equipment.

    Buffet Lunch: Fresh fruit platter, fresh bread (pan de agua), cold cuts, sliced cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, gourmet pasta salad, chicken salad, coleslaw, bean salad, and snacks.
    Rum Bar: White rum (Don Q), Medalla beer, piña colada, juices, sodas, and water.
    Equipment: Snorkeling equipment (Mask & Snorkel), swimming fins, and floating belts
    **Price includes 11.5% tax, 10% gratuity, and $3.00 (DNR) Department of Natural Resources fee!

    Excluded: Each extra passenger will be charged $193 USD per person + Taxes; the default pricing includes 15 passengers.

    추가적인 승객: 193 USD
  • 6 Hours Private Trip - Destination: Vieques
    $3600 USD

    Check-in time: 8:45 AM
    Departure: 9:30 AM
    Arrival: 3:30 PM

    Included: Buffet Lunch, Rum Bar, and Equipment.

    Buffet Lunch: Fresh fruit platter, fresh bread (pan de agua), cold cuts, sliced cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, gourmet pasta salad, chicken salad, coleslaw, bean salad, and snacks.
    Rum Bar: White rum (Don Q), Medalla beer, piña colada, juices, sodas, and water.
    Equipment: Snorkeling equipment (Mask & Snorkel), swimming fins, and floating belts
    **Price includes 11.5% tax, 10% gratuity, and $3.00 (DNR) Department of Natural Resources fee!

    Excluded: Each extra passenger will be charged $193 USD per person + Taxes; the default pricing includes 15 passengers.

    추가적인 승객: 193 USD

자주하는 질문

뱃멀미에 대해 걱정할 필요가 있습니까?
개인 전세와 일반/공유/공공 전세의 차이점은 무엇입니까?
베어보트 전세를 제공합니까?
보트 전세 견적을 보내려면 어떤 정보가 필요합니까?
지불 조건은 무엇입니까?
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보트 전세 시간 및 날짜 선택


질문 또는 요청

연락처 세부정보

가격 계산

기본 요금: 800 USD

기본 요금에 포함된 인원: 4

추가 승객 요금: 80 USD

기본 가격: 550 USD

총 가격: 550 USD

보증금 0 USD

균형: 550 USD

아직 결제가 필요하지 않습니다!
1/ 먼저 보트 이용 가능 여부 확인을 보내드립니다.
2/ 앞으로 이동하여 전세기를 예약하기로 결정한 경우 지불 링크를 클릭하여 소액의 보증금(최대 15%)을 지불할 수 있습니다. 결제 링크는 가용성 확인과 함께 전송됩니다.
3/ 보증금을 지불하면 매우 상세한 여행 확인서를 받게 됩니다.

고객이 우리 서비스에 대해 말하는 것

  • Sep, 2022

    6명의 가족과 함께 즐거운 하루 스노클링. 물은 잔잔했고 깊이는 6피트에 불과했지만 해양 생물은 훌륭했습니다. 랍스터도 잡았습니다.

  • Oct, 2022

    아파트 낚시하기 좋은 날. 잡힌 허가증, 바라쿠다, 거대한 타폰. 선장과 보트는 훌륭했고 멋진 하루를 보냈습니다!

  • Nov, 2022

    놀라운 여행 심해 낚시. 우리는 앞바다에서 약 20마일을 갔고 잡초 밭을 발견했는데 마히를 많이 잡았습니다! 곧 다시 할 것입니다.