33.8 Ft Custom Motorboat - San Juan Prenájom lodí

O tejto jachte

33.8 Ft Custom Boat is an open Cabin and Inboard motorboat. As a replica of a US Navy LCPL vessel, she was manufactured in 1971 by the Fort Lauderdale FL.

Dimensions: Length 33.8 Ft and width 12.8 ft.

Speed of Boat: During the navigating, you can enjoy the 6 -8 knots, and the maximum speed of 12 knots.

Detaily výletu

We will take you to Icacos Island for an unforgettable snorkeling experience. Join us in Fajardo\'s Marina Puerto Chico and after a brief introduction to our day, we are going to sail the boat to La Cordillera Cays for 35 minutes to visit one of Puerto Rico\'s eastern islands. 

On the Island of Icacos, we will deliver organized snorkeling and ecosystem analysis, marine ecosystems, and the region\'s landmarks.  

After snorkeling, you can enjoy a bar and lunch buffet that will be open!

With soft drinks or with Puerto Rican rum, you can enjoy the Deli Style Lunch Buffet. We\'re going to have the time to enjoy sunbathing and relax when we get to the beach.

It is also a choice to go on a trip to see more of the nature reserve. We specialize in snorkeling trips and excellent customer service.

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Ponúkame nasledovné zájazdy

  • 6 Hours Private Snorkeling Tour
    $1673 USD

    - Join us at Fajardo\'s Marina Puerto Chico.

    - When the group is ready to go, we will introduce our day thoroughly and our magical journey will begin! We will navigate to Icacos Island.

    - It\'s time to enjoy snorkeling! Depending on your level of experience, we will provide you with guided snorkeling and recognize marine species.

    - When you are free from enjoying the guided snorkeling, the Bar will be open! We will provide you with a Deli Style Lunch Buffet, you can enjoy it with soft drinks or with Puerto Rican rum. Here we will get time for hiking, exploring the beach, or just enjoying sunbathing at the beach.

    - Beverages (water, sodas, non-alcoholic drinks, local rum
    - Deli-style lunch buffet
    - Digital photos
    - Guided snorkeling
    - Snorkeling equipment (mask, snorkel, fins)
    - Floaters
    - Small restroom aboard
    - Shower and restroom facilities before and after the tour in the marina
    - Free parking in the marina

    - Gratuities
    - Towels
    - Sunblock

Časté otázky

Je potrebné, aby som sa obával, že ochoriem na morskú chorobu?
Aký je rozdiel medzi súkromnou chartou a pravidelnou/zdieľanou/verejnou chartou?
Ponúkate prenájmy lodí bez posádky?
Aké informácie odo mňa potrebujete, aby ste mi poslali cenovú ponuku na prenájom lode?
Aké sú vaše platobné podmienky?
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Vyberte čas a dátum prenájmu lodí


Otázky alebo požiadavky

Vaše kontaktné údaje

Výpočet ceny

Predvolená sadzba: 800 USD

Počet osôb zahrnutých v predvolenej sadzbe: 4

Sadzba pre ďalších cestujúcich: 80 USD

Základná cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Záloha 0 USD

Zostatok: 550 USD

Zatiaľ sa nevyžaduje žiadna platba!
1/ Najprv vám pošleme potvrdenie o dostupnosti lode.
2/ Ak sa rozhodnete posunúť ďalej a zarezervovať si charter, stačí kliknúť na platobný odkaz a zaplatiť malú zálohu (max 15%). Odkaz na platbu bude odoslaný s potvrdením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplatení zálohy dostanete veľmi podrobné potvrdenie zájazdu.

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